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25. Urian Oakes

25. Urian Oakes

1728– 1776
Artistic Feature
Location: Plot 322

Oakes held several important roles in his town, including being a shipwright, a member of the Committee of Inspection in 1774, and even the town constable. He also fought in the French and Indian War. On his gravestone, there is a carved image of death with a skull and crossbones, which serves as a reminder of mortality. There is no religious message on the stone, just a simple announcement of his passing. The winged soul carved above the inscription is another symbol of death, but the wings suggest release, indicating that the soul is in a better place. His epitaph reads, "Who mourns loss suppresses ye pious tears/ye wish him out of heaven to wish him here," expressing the sentiment that he is now in a better place. The size of the stone and the elaborate stonework demonstrate the occupant's status and wealth.