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37. Zealous Bates Tower

37. Zealous Bates Tower

Location: Plot 518

Tower was a distinguished military officer who graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1841. He was also a skilled shipbuilder, civil engineer, and an important member of the Cohasset community, serving as a moderator and selectman. He first served in the Mexican-American War as Major of Engineers, participating in several battles, including the Battle at Cerro Gordo, the Battle of Contreras, and the Battle of Chapultepec, where he was wounded. Tower played a significant role in the operations that led to the surrender of Mexico City, ending the military phase of the conflict.

During the Civil War, he rose to the rank of Union Brigadier General. At the second Battle of Bull Run in August 1862, Tower suffered a severe injury that ended his military field service. He then assumed the role of Superintendent at the United States Military Academy at West Point until 1864. Later, he supervised the successful defense construction of Federal-occupied Nashville, Tennessee, against repeated Confederate attacks. He was a military man until the end of the war and was brevetted Major General of U.S. Volunteers on March 13, 1865.